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The Evidence for Better Lives Study (EBLS) is an innovative global birth-cohort study in eight cities across the world. On this page you will find the publications based on its dataset. You can download the executive report of the Foundational Study here. Please visit the home page of EBLS to view two films and access other resources related to this project.



Murray, A. L., Hemady, C. L., Huyen, D. P., Dunne, M., Foley, S., Osafo, J., … Walker, S. (2021, January 6). Measuring antenatal depressive symptoms across the world: A validation and cross-country invariance analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9) in eight diverse low resource settings.

Brown, R., Eisner, M., Walker, S., Tomlinson, M., Fearon, P., Dunne, M., … Murray, A. L. (2021, January 12). The impact of maternal adverse childhood experiences and prenatal depressive symptoms on foetal attachment: Preliminary evidence from expectant mothers across eight middle-income countries.

Yasmeen Anwer, Fahad Abbasi, Ariba Dar et al. Feasibility of a Birth-cohort In Pakistan: Evidence For Better Lives Study, 15 January 2021, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.



Foley, S., Hughes, C., Murray, A.L. et al. Prenatal attachment: using measurement invariance to test the validity of comparisons across eight culturally diverse countries. Arch Womens Ment Health (2021).

Bao-Yen Luong-Thanh, Lan Hoang Nguyen, Linda Murray, Manuel Eisner, Sara Valdebenito, Tuyen Dinh Hoang, Huyen Phuc Do and Thang Van Vo (2021). Depression and its associated factors among pregnant women in central Vietnam, Health Psychology Open, January-June 2021: 1–10,

Huyen Phuc Do, Philip RA Baker, Thang Van Vo, Bao-Yen Luong-Thanh, Lan Hoang Nguyen, Sara Valdebenito, Manuel Eisner, Bach Xuan Tran, Tuyen Dinh Hoang, Michael P Dunne (2021). Brief screening for maternal mental health in Vietnam: Measures of positive wellbeing and perceived stress predict prenatal and postnatal depression, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, Volume 3, 2021, 100047, ISSN 2666-9153,

Nagin, D., Hay, D., Eisner, M., Welsh, B., Côté, S., & Ouellet-Morin, I. (2021). Comments on the Autobiographies of the World War II Babies by Younger Peers. In R. Tremblay (Ed.), The Science of Violent Behavior Development and Prevention: Contributions of the Second World War Generation (pp. 324-356). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Anwar, Y., Abbasi, F., Hafeez, A., Sikander, S., & Hafeez, A. (2021). Resources for Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Children in Islamabad Capital Territory Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health10(2), 125-132.



Hunt, X. Tomlinson, M., Sikander, S., Skeen, S., Marlow, M., du Toit, S. and Eisner, M. (2020). Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and mHealth: The Frontiers of the Prevention of Violence Against Children, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, v3,

Valdebenito, S., Murray, A., Hughes, C., Eisner, M. et al (2020). Evidence for Better Lives Study: a comparative birth-cohort study on child exposure to violence and other adversities in eight low- and middle-income countries - foundational research (study protocol) BMJ Open 2020;10:e034986.

Brown, Ruth & Eisner, Manuel & Valdebenito, Sara & Walker, Susan & Tomlinson, Mark & Hughes, Claire & Ward, Catherine & Osafo, Joseph & Sikander, Siham & Fearon, Pasco & Dunne, Michael & Madrid, Bernadette & Baban, Adriana & Vo Van, Thang & Fernando, Asvini & Murray, Aja. (2020). What research questions should the next generation of birth cohort studies address? An international Delphi study of experts. Academic Pediatrics. 10.1016/j.acap.2020.03.011.

Murray AL, Kaiser D, Valdebenito S, Hughes C, Baban A, Fernando AD, Madrid B, Ward CL, Osafo J, Dunne M, Sikander S, Walker S, Van Thang V, Tomlinson M, Eisner M. The Intergenerational Effects of Intimate Partner Violence in Pregnancy: Mediating Pathways and Implications for Prevention. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2020 Dec;21(5):964-976. Epub 2018 Dec 4. PMID: 30514180.