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Violence Research Centre



The Violence Research at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, welcomes applications from students wishing to undertake PhD research within the Centre's areas of expertise. Graduate students work in the stimulating research environment of the Centre located in the Institute of Criminology under the direction of their supervisor. Violence Research Centre members supervise PhD students in a broad range of topics related to their respective research areas. Please note that we are experiencing a high number of applicants, do read each supervisor's profile carefully before contacting them. Information on PhD studentships at the Institute of Criminology is here.


PhD opportunities with Prof Manuel Eisner

Prof Manuel Eisner mainly supervises doctoral theses that use a quantitative approach in the following areas: (1) history of violence, (2) causes of aggression and violence, (3) prevention of violence and intervention research, (4) international research on micro- and macro-level predictors of violence. There may also be possibilities to conduct a PhD related to one of his ongoing research projects in the Violence Research Centre. More information on the ongoing projects can be found here.


PhD opportunities with Dr Maria Ttofi

Dr Maria Ttofi supervises MPhil and PhD students with an interest in quantitative criminology, including youth aggression and violence, juvenile delinquency, systematic/meta-analytic reviews on a variety of psychological criminology topics, programme evaluation and developmental criminology/longitudinal research. Students with a strong methodological background who may be interested in analysing longitudinal data from the CSDD are strongly encouraged to contact her and the Director of the CSDD study, Prof David P. Farrington, directly via email.


PhD opportunities with Dr Paolo Campana

Dr Paolo Campana welcomes proposals from students with an interest in network analysis and organised forms of criminality. The latter includes protection rackets, human trafficking and smuggling, drug trafficking, gangs, cybercrime and possibly terrorist networks. Proposals with a strong network analysis component are welcome. Students are advised to contact Dr Campana by email with a short summary of their research proposal before submitting an application.


PhD opportunities with Dr Justice Tankebe

Dr Justice Tankebe welcomes proposals focused on corruption, policing and police violence, legitimacy, procedural justice, distributive justice, vigilantism and extrajudicial violence, institutional trust, and social order.


Resources for PhD students

More details of the University's PhD programme and procedures for application can be found on the Institute of Criminology's website and the University of Cambridge Graduate Admissions website. A major scholarship is open to potential PhD students of all nationalities. You can find it here.


Photo: Sir Cam