The EBLS Study
The Evidence for Better Lives Study (EBLS) is an innovative global birth-cohort study in eight cities across the world. Find out more here.
Preventing violence against children
In this short video - produced by the Jacobs Foundation and featured on the Bold Blog - our director, Professor Manuel Eisner talks about the perpetration of violence and victimisation of children. He explains how our research contributes to develop better prevention strategies regionally (at local and national government levels) and globally through the WHO and Unicef. Reducing violence against children is among the development goals promoted by the United Nations.
Reducing global homicide rates
Manuel Eisner's talk How to reduce global homicide rates by 70 percent: Learning from past successes to inform future policies, part of the Centenary seminar series celebrating 100 years of social enquiry at Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Oxford, 2014. Please visit this page to view it.