Overcoming Obstacles to High Quality Implementation of Evidence-based Principles in Violence Prevention
Achieving significant reductions in violence world-wide, the goal of this conference, will be contingent upon the adoption, implementation, and dissemination of programs, policies, and practices shown in well-conducted studies to decrease violent behaviors. Although progress must still be made in the identification of such evidence-based interventions, this presentation will focus on enhancing the use of existing violence prevention strategies. Drawing from studies of implementation science, I will discuss the importance of all stages of the implementation process, from exploration through sustainability (Fixsen, Blase, Naoom, & Wallace, 2009). To achieve local implementation success, communities must: 1) differentiate evidence-based strategies from non-evidence-based interventions and prioritize the use of the former, 2) engage in careful planning and needs assessments prior to adopting a new intervention, 3) commit to replicating the new strategy with integrity and enthusiasm, and 4) monitor the quality of implementation and engage in quality improvement as needed. Challenges in completing these steps and strategies for overcoming obstacles will be highlighted using examples from communities engaged in violence prevention and youth health promotion activities. The potential for taking these practices to scale nationally and internationally will also be discussed.